Prism Shop
****** WANTED ******

In relation to multiple deaths and public disturbance, assault and battery, destruction of property, trespassing, torture of animals, treason, heresy, etcetc

Be on the lookout for Addreadon Le Gris - aka The Dreaded One, son of the sorceress Ynastea and supposed offspring of Thunderon, war lord, but more commonly believed to be the spawn of evil cosmic entity - Annihilo.

Addreadon is approximately twenty (20) years of age, 5'11" tall and of slim, athletic build. He has a tanned complexion, blue eyes, and is considered by those of the female persuasion to be most good looking. He has waist length blond hair, and is very well spoken. When approaching his victims, he will initially seem both friendly and humorous, but this will quickly turn to aggression and violence.

Last seen in the palace grounds where he was able to overpower many of the imperial troops, including the High Priestess, Naian.

DO NOT APPROACH, and proceed with extreme caution. Contact the palace authorities immediately and do not make contact with the criminal.

A REWARD is offered of one talking dairy cow (looking to re-home - she's rather chatty - caveat emptor), a year's supply of tobacco, and two (2) barrels of very good wine. In the case of a report made by a minor, which leads to the apprehension of said criminal, the reportee will be given the rest of the term off school.


Le Gris is armed and highly dangerous.