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My Dear Son,

I'm sorry it has been so long since I've seen you. Many times I had hoped to make my way to Spectra to see both you and your father, but time and again things have prevented me. A long letter from your father, however, containing all your news and progress at school (much more on this later, Jasper!) inspired me to write and I have sent this with the eagle, Spearhead, to you.

I am very proud of you, Jasper, and the young man you have become. As you approach your fourteenth birthday I can see more and more of your true personality emerging. I know that the center of your heart is full of laughter – as is mine. Being High Priestess, few seem to remember that I was once of the line of the Soeillestia, and that the first sash on my priestess's robe was yellow. So secretly I've always been pleased to see that same love of life reflected in my son. Every time you smile, Jasper, it brings a smile to me also, and it often makes me laugh, when times are otherwise difficult and dark, to hear from your father of your exploits and jokes. Never lose that, my son, it is beyond precious and your special gift from the Alellii, our creators.

But more than this, I see your developing honor, your sense of fairness, and your kindness and compassion to those less blessed than yourself. You are wise to realize that, despite your noble heritage, you are no more valuable than any other person in our land, and your humility will stand you in good stead as you grow into an upright and honorable man. Your father tells me also that the arrows you make fly straight and true – a clear reflection of your heart. Both you and I have seen always the integrity of your father's work with the bow, and it pleases me greatly to see that his trueness of spirit has been passed on to you. I can only hope that his clear judgment will find its way into your life also.

Which perhaps brings me to discussion of your school performance. I was not pleased to hear of a general failure to perform to the best of your ability in class, my son! Your love of laughter and humor can sometimes lead you to behave much like the viffles – all fluff and laughter, and little substance! Precious though they are, they will rarely be entrusted with great tasks! I would wish more for you than that! Please apply yourself to your education, Jasper, so that your next school report might reflect rather greater commitment to your lessons; I wish to be proud of you in all areas of your life and know full well that you are brighter than your latest marks indicate!

However, that said, I am all in all very proud of you, and nothing could ever decrease the love with which I hold you close to my heart. You are my precious son first and always, and I look forward very much to the time when I can return to Spectra and spend more time with both you and your father. Take care, dear son, and know always that I am -

Your loving mother,


One last thing – please remember that cleanliness and order make room for greatness to emerge uninhibited; please make a point of tidying your room! (a little attention to your hair wouldn't hurt matters either) N. xx