Prism Shop
Sorry - the compitition below is closed. Congratulations to Jason Lin, Nicholas Pavic and Jake Evans for their excellent reviews.

Have you ever enjoyed a book so much that you wished you lived inside its pages?

To mark the release of The Terror of Prism Fading for sale, I've decided to run a competition! The first three readers aged 16 or under to write a book review for The Terror of Prism Fading will have the opportunity to have their own character in The Deeper Darkness, Book 2 of the Prism Series!

Although the characters will only be small, they will be named after each winner in some way and various personal traits will be worked into each winner's character. Also, your review will appear on this website as a permanent fixture for visitors to read.

So, if you (or someone you know) have ever wanted to see your work on a website or yourself in a book, this may be your chance! Grab a copy of The Terror of Prism Fading and start reviewing! You can follow this link to Prism's page on Lulu to purchase your copy. Reviews are to be no less than 350 words and no more than 600 words. All work must be original and all reviews, once submitted, will become the property of this website. Full names will not be shown, but reviews will show the first name, first surname initial, and town of residence for each reviewer. Send your review to ...

Get to it and have fun! I look forward to hearing from you.